Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Public Apology

So my previous post landed me in the principal's office, for good reason.  Apparently, it is unprofessional to blog about co-workers, and honestly, I have to agree with the logic behind that statement.  It is unprofessional.  That's why I have a personal blog with no names, just stories.  I am very sorry the blog was left on the computer screen at shift change, and I am very sorry the person's feelings were hurt.   Honestly, I am. 

However, I do believe all things happen for a reason.  I would not have reported the incidents that happened to my manager had I not been yelled at by this person.  Rather, a rational, calm, cool-headed conversation might have been had, and no one would have been publicly embarrassed.  What also might have happened though, is the person would continue to believe it is ok to intervene without doctors' orders.  What might have happened is someone could have been seriously affected in the future by this incident not being reported today.  

Regardless, I will totally feel like a tattle-tale for at least......well, all of today.  It's a good thing I might sleep through most of it.  

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Cramping My Style

I learned today that one of my biggest pet peeves as a nurse is following behind someone who puts my patients at risk simply by being a moron. Don't make up your own orders. Don't try to play the doctor--that's not your job. Don't try to teach me anatomy when you don't know it yourself. And don't teach me about diabetes when you don't know what a hemoglobin A1C reflects. I don't care if you have diabetes. You obviously have no idea what you're talking about.

No, it's not ok for you to hard-stop a nitro drip and then bolus/run maintenance fluids on my renal patient the day she just had dialysis. She has CHF. Wouldn't you first assume first that the purpose of that dialysis was to pull fluids off??? And then, wouldn't you think "Self, perhaps I should SLOW this drip down rather than shut it off???" Her BP will just rebound--and it did. And can't you please show me when you called the doc for her chest pain? Don't you realize she had a heart attack this morning and perhaps the doc would like to know if it's getting worse? Oh and can you show me the orders for the morphine you gave her since she has no PRN orders? Why didn't you do an EKG? And where is the doctor's note? AAARRRGGHHHH!!!!

Likewise, it is not cool if you can't tell your right from your left if it means that you're going to turn my other patient on his right side when he has a butt wound there. Turn him LEFT for crying out loud!!! And please, learn to do ostomy care correctly so I don't find poop on his skin when I enter the room.

Don't be that person I have to call when your shift is over. Don't put me in the position of thinking I should report you to my manager. Don't be that person who breaks down the team, who is unteachable, and who does nothing but demand the respect you do not deserve from your coworkers. It just pisses off people like me,those trying to save lives here.

Achy Breaky Heart

Unfortunately, the world doesn't pause for shift change.  Today my patient, who had been doing great all night, started complaining of chest pain at 725 AM.  Ugh!

"Can I get a stat EKG, please?  Oh, and page her doc!"  

After bumping up her Nitro drip, giving her some nitro sprays sublingually, and getting orders for morphine, we finally got her pain under control.  Luckily for her, she was already pre-scheduled for a cardiac catheterization and had already had her premeds.  The timing for her almost-tragedy could have happened at no more opportune time than when interventions were immediately available.   She did infarct, but at least it wasn't at midnight when circumstances weren't so favorable.  

Sunday, November 23, 2008


I haven't blogged in about a month for a few reasons. First, I have been incredibly busy, and sitting down to write just seems too daunting. Second, I haven't had any really good stories to share. Lastly, I have been studying for CCRN, looking for a job, and getting set to move all at the same time as working some CRAZY overtime. Consequently, today's story will likewise be short.

Tonight I'm caring for the sweetest man you'll ever meet in your life. He's has been plagued by a host of medical complications stemming from a AAA repair gone bad, including bilateral above the knee amputations. Besides being cut nearly in half, he also is plagued with a family idiot. Someone brought him in a snuggly fleece blanket with the best of intentions. The only problem is the blanket is covered in hundreds of pink, blue, and green FOOTPRINTS. Doah!